Tag Archives: birds

Dancing Albatrosses

This video of dancing albatrosses is all you need today:

Courtesy of the live Kauai Laysan Albatross Cam and the Cornell Ornithology Lab, which has a variety of live bird cams guaranteed to destroy your productivity for hours on end.

Also: Here’s the Cornell Ornithology Lab’s YouTube Channel.

I was only joking last week that JunglePete was going to highjack my page and replace it with ornithology memes, but apparently I’ve had birds on the brain ever since.

I thought I was going to need a wildlife rehabilitator

If I don’t start updating my blog regularly soon, I’m afraid JunglePete is going to hack into it and start posting ornithology memes.

Grappling with a rheumatological flare this week, I haven’t exactly been a high-functioning machine lately.

Today I took a shower, put an oil-based leave-in conditioner in my hair, and went back to bed for a few hours. I used half the suggested amount, yet I woke up looking like a penguin in an oil slick. I was afraid to send anyone a selfie, I was afraid someone from Greenpeace would be deployed to scrub me with Dawn.

Fortunately, the conditioner washed right out; but shampooing your hair twice in one day rather defeats the purpose of deep-conditioning, doesn’t it?

That was a boring story, wasn’t it?

Maybe letting JunglePete post bird memes isn’t such a bad idea. I liked this one a lot:


World Parrot Trust, Lori on DCist, & Talk Like a Pirate Day

I just spent an hour completely hypnotized by the World Parrot Trust website. You should go and learn about Parrot conservation efforts and look at the pretty pictures.

Speaking of pretty pictures, hooray for Lori, who had one of her nice photos posted on DCist yesterday.

Also, happy Talk Like a Pirate Day. This is my brother’s favorite holiday, so if you find yourself in the neighborhood of Iraq and you happen to run into him, say “Arrrr” to him for me.