Tag Archives: batgrl

Jim Croce cover band

When I was a kid, our next door neighbors had a Hammond organ. They used to let me play it but their sheet music selection was pretty limited.

Very limited.

Let’s put it this way: if you ever form a Jim Croce cover band and need some funky organ breaks for “Time in a Bottle,” I’m your girl.

I have no idea how this post was supposed to end because I went down a rabbit hole for a while. I was linking to Jim Croce’s website and the front page link for “dinner reservations” was deeply confusing until I discovered it led to the Croce’s Restaurant site. Croce’s Restaurant is closing in December. It’s in San Diego, I bet Batty has been there.

I should really get back to lecture writing. Or watching shitty movies. Ooh, my lecture is on urban legends, so I could watch the movie Urban Legends and multitask!

Batgrl & I (not) together again

I took the top image in Sarasota. Batgrl took the 2nd one in San Diego.

IMG_0835, originally uploaded by meanlouise.

I’m posting these not because they’re silly or because the top image features 50% of Team Meat (me, Eric and JunglePete) in one place, but because it’s yet another example of the the strange parallel universe Batgrl (aka Photobat) and I inhabit. Incidentally, Batgrl is also a member of Team Meat.

Batty meme'd me

Jen tagged [tag]Batgrl[/tag] for the [tag]123 meme[/tag] and Batty tagged me. When I’m done, I might tag you, so pay attention.

The 123 Rules:
1) Pick up the book nearest you with at least 123 pages. (No cheating!)
2) Turn to page 123.
3) Count the first five sentences.
4) Post the next three sentences.
5) Tag five other bloggers.

Here goes:

[tag]Neal Stephenson[/tag], [tag]Zodiac[/tag]

I had an idea already: 1,4-diamino butane; a.k.a., putrescine – the distinctive chemical scent given off my decaying corpses. I could whip up a batch and carry it with me. That would give anyone second thoughts.

JunglePete needs a copy of this book, although I worry it might give him ideas. So as not to digress, I’ll sing praises to Zodiac tomorrow on my bookblog.

In the meantime, I need to tag five bloggers. Hmmmm.
1) [tag]Cyd[/tag] (a Raveler. Her first meme!)
2) [tag]MizShoes[/tag] (a Raveler, a blog365 member, and one of my oldest link swappers! Er, in blog years, not our age).
3) [tag]Stereotypical Single Woman[/tag] (blog365)
4) [tag]Rae[/tag] (blog365)
5) [tag]Burt Reynolds’ Mustache[/tag] (hilarious)

There you go. I probably destroyed all order in the universe by giving in to a meme, the first in 8 years of blogging, unless I’ve repressed doing one somewhere along the line. I’m not anti-meme. Honestly, I just usually forget I’ve been tagged for ages because I’m an airhead.

I eat cannibals

I was gathering data the other night (seriously. I love my work) and ran across an mp3 of the insipid and annoying 80s hit I Eat Cannibals by the equally insipid and annoying Toto Coelo.

Last night I mentioned to doppleganger Batgrl that I’d had this stupid song stuck in my head ever since I downloaded the mp3. She was much relieved, as she didn’t know why she’d been obsessed with that song all week. She’d even been hunting for an mp3 of said evil ditty, with no luck. I solved her problem (which is only fair, since I caused it via brainwaves) and we all lived happily ever after.


In other bat-related news, Batgrl decided that it wasn’t fair for only one of us to have a mushy brain, so she got into the act, too. I could have told her the headaches sucked, but she had to learn the hard way. Go give her some love now, won’t you? She’s home and resting and has Jon Sullivan, Cranky Bastard and her parents to care for her. And Beckett the cat, of course, who I refuse to believe has a sippy straw stuck in his shoulder.