Tag Archives: squirrels

Wordless Wednesday: Sunflower meets squirrel

Sunflowers, July 15, 2011, originally uploaded by meanlouise.

[embedded video: Squirrel versus Sunflower

August 1, 2011 The Carnage, originally uploaded by meanlouise.

Are you ready? Today is National Squirrel Appreciation Day

Faith informed me that January 21, 2011 is “National Squirrel Appreciation Day.” Remarkably, I’ve never blogged about this. Or I have and I’ve forgotten and it’s in the lost portion of the archives. Either way, I’m posting about it now.

After a bit of googling, I tracked down the origins of this festive day. Apparently, North Carolina Wildlife Rehabilitator Christy Hargrove declared January 21 to be Squirrel Appreciation Day back in 2001. I can’t find any evidence that this has been declared an official holiday anywhere, but you can still celebrate if you want, I won’t stop you.

I might mock you, but I won’t stop you.

Wait – it’s on the Hallmark website so it must be a real holiday.

I'd like to be appalled, but it's too hot out to care

As reported in the Telegraph, and a million other places, BrewDog created a special edition cask for it’s End of History Ale. (Hello, clever publicity stunt, your mother is calling). The Ale is sold out, but I can tell you where you can get some squirrels if you’d like to try your hand at replicating at least one element of the product.