Tag Archives: knitting

Onward and upward with the arts

Lots of other arty things were happening during this, the first weekend of Spring – although Artomatic registration is not open yet.

I’m a bit cantankerous because I want to start recording the soundtrack for a potential installation and a major construction project sprang up 200 yards from our recording space. Pile-driving and sound recording are not the very best of friends. We have a little time, but this kind of installation requires a lot of planning and construction that can’t be done at the last minute.

Did I mention that Artomatic registration is not open yet? It’s not.

David Fogel’s 88 hosted the 4 day Forward Festival at various locations. Artery 717 opened “Private Arts” a new show of work by 40 local designers showing off the art they create after their design clients go home. Anna U Davis closed out her show at Long View Gallery. Artomatic registration did not open, although Sean Welker opened a new show at R. Coury Fine Art Gallery in Savage, Maryland. Transformer Gallery opened Fabrication of Blindness/Fabricating Rain, an intriguing looking show. There is/was a whole bunch of music stuff going on this weekend that I’m too tired to blog about, but luckily dcist has a roundup.

We were going to go to many of these things – instead we stopped at Artery 717 and said hello and then drove by BeBar for X in DC, but by then I was too tired to get out of the car – let alone go inside – so we went home. It is indeed a life glamorous and exotic.

In far more important news, the pattern for the cables on the cute little ballerina sweater from Glampyre Stefanie Japel’s Fitted Knits are totally fucked up. The sweater looked wrong because it was wrong. If I’d just looked up the errata to the pattern to begin with I would have figured out why much sooner. It’s an eyecatching cable and the mistake is centered right at breast level – you’d think someone would have caught that before the book went to print. I’m just grumbling because I don’t feel well and I hope this would be a quick and easy project, not one I had to rip out and redo repeatedly. It’s a beautiful sweater and I love her designs.

And, of course, yesterday was National Corndog Day, as you may have read in the accidentally epic meatblog post, “Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Corndogs.” You can go read that while you wait for Artomatic registration to start – if you’re on the mailing list you’ll be the first to know when it opens.

Friday Five

Since last weekend was a holiday weekend, I took the week off from the Friday Five. It was the second week since I’d revived the feature, so I was due for a break anyway, right? Right.

So, earlier this week I linked to Quelle Erqsome, she of fearless literary scholarship, dissertation writing, and equally fearless sock knitting. I’m hopelessly behind on my sock knitting, and fear being booted from her Interweave Socks-A-Long, so maybe this would be a good time to suck up about what a great blog she has. You should read it, religiously. Great, great blog. Great, great gal. Smart as a whip. A gentlewoman and a scholar.

But I digress…I replied to a bookmeme, which she picked up from Pymette, who incidentally knitted the cutest coffeepot cozy ever for her French Press. But again, I digress.

The overwhelming reaction to the bookmeme from my readers has been to ask me, “Why haven’t you read Vanity Fair?” This is a good question and I have no good answer, so next up on my reading list: Vanity Fair.

While I’m reading Vanity Fair, you should go visit JenInMaine, who’s posted pictures of her newly spun yarns. They look yummy. When she gets her etsy shop reopened you can even buy those lovely yarns – she’s in the process of moving mainegirl.etsy.com to earthybirthymama.etsy.com. Just because she had a baby she thinks we’ll cut her some slack. The nerve of some people…

If you knit, you no doubt read Franklin’s blog, Panopticon, and, of course, the Yarn Harlot. The Yarn Harlot has been kind enough to take a brief break from knitblogging to explain Whatthe hell is going on in Canadian Politics these days, which was very helpful because I was very confused. (There are 649 comments on that post, so I clearly wasn’t the only one).

The theme of this roundup was supposed to be bookblogs. Or maybe it was knitting blogs. Often they’re the same. Honestly, I’ve forgotten what the theme was supposed to be because I’m not feeling well and the phone has been ringing off the hook and I have 83 emails messages since I went to bed and I’m about to declare defeat and go back to bed. Or, maybe I’ll tune out all the noise and check in with Crazy Aunt Pearl, that will make me feel better. Her blog description is, “The true-life diary of a thirty-something, newly divorced, displaced Southern obsessive-compulsive knitter who has four cats. (Because nothing is sexier than a divorced woman with four cats.)” See what I mean? Don’t you feel better already just reading that? Imagine how much better you, and by “you” I mean “I”, will feel after spending a few minutes at her actual site.

I have been informed that family faction-building is not, in fact, the reason for the season

Merry Christmas!

We’d be happier if Brother wasn’t spending another Christmas in Iraq, but, on the other hand, more cookies for us.*

I’ve been knitting things for Husband and we’ve watched many episodes of the Addams Family.

Tomorrow is Gatorland, because you know we love Gatorland. And if you don’t, you’ve failed the quiz. Again.

I had some funny Christmas pics to post but I can’t seem to upload files today and I’ve now given up. Maybe tomorrow…

*I’m kidding.