Tag Archives: meme

Batty meme'd me

Jen tagged [tag]Batgrl[/tag] for the [tag]123 meme[/tag] and Batty tagged me. When I’m done, I might tag you, so pay attention.

The 123 Rules:
1) Pick up the book nearest you with at least 123 pages. (No cheating!)
2) Turn to page 123.
3) Count the first five sentences.
4) Post the next three sentences.
5) Tag five other bloggers.

Here goes:

[tag]Neal Stephenson[/tag], [tag]Zodiac[/tag]

I had an idea already: 1,4-diamino butane; a.k.a., putrescine – the distinctive chemical scent given off my decaying corpses. I could whip up a batch and carry it with me. That would give anyone second thoughts.

JunglePete needs a copy of this book, although I worry it might give him ideas. So as not to digress, I’ll sing praises to Zodiac tomorrow on my bookblog.

In the meantime, I need to tag five bloggers. Hmmmm.
1) [tag]Cyd[/tag] (a Raveler. Her first meme!)
2) [tag]MizShoes[/tag] (a Raveler, a blog365 member, and one of my oldest link swappers! Er, in blog years, not our age).
3) [tag]Stereotypical Single Woman[/tag] (blog365)
4) [tag]Rae[/tag] (blog365)
5) [tag]Burt Reynolds’ Mustache[/tag] (hilarious)

There you go. I probably destroyed all order in the universe by giving in to a meme, the first in 8 years of blogging, unless I’ve repressed doing one somewhere along the line. I’m not anti-meme. Honestly, I just usually forget I’ve been tagged for ages because I’m an airhead.

L. Ron, the musical

This post is part of the corrupted archives restoration and includes the old comments as text at the bottom of the post. Sorry if this is confusing.

I can’t believe I’ve never seen this before. I’m wondering if I haven’t repressed it into the same far reach of my brain where I’m storing Bob Geldof-TV trivia. At any rate, I present to you Road to Freedom: L. Ron Hubbard & Friends. The songs are… underwhelming.

Husband sent me that gem, thereby erasing any guilt I was feeling over inflicting the Viking Kittens that showed up at memepool on him.

Posted by skarlet at October 9, 2002 08:00 AM

Posted by: Tara at October 9, 2002 09:13 AM

My god no, not a musical….
Oh damn, it’s just music.
I’m thinking the idea of a musical could be really funny actually…

I really need to go home, don’t I?

Posted by: batgrl at October 9, 2002 09:03 PM

I thought I was suffering Spike insanity. I clicked on Viking Kittens as I inserted a cd (just bought three new ones @ Orpheus tonight) and thought someone had played a nasty joke on me, packaging Led Zeppelin as abstract jazz. I was really confused, as was sweetie.

Glad I figured out the cd was playing too softly to combat those that come from the land of ice and snow!

I’m not going to click on the other link. L. Ron scares me.

it's all clear to me now…

and you thought I was crazy…
People keep sending me the Hello Kitty Psychological Test. I finally took it.

I am serious and very balanced and can always control my temper. You see, Hello Kitty thinks I’m sane.

Actually, weirdly enough, that’s a pretty accurate assessment. Does that mean all on-line tests are true? I find that troubling, since that would mean I’m also Drusilla on Buffy the Vampire Slayer. (I lost the link to that one)

On a more serious note…

UCLA Radio will cease webcasting until August 26, 2002 as we assess the impact of a recent decision that set the structure for fees that webcasters – like UCLA Radio – must pay to play music over the internet. [more info at the ucla radio site]

Not sure what this is about? More info on the webcasting debacle can be found at some of these fine sites:

save internet radio, which includes a pretty good 90 second summary of the situation.
collegiate broadcasters, inc.
And last but not least, here’s the anti-DMCA website.

Nn a less serious note…
Matt exposes Jon Sullivan’s role in the vast cover-up of the existence of a surviving colony of Megatherium. [sadly, that link is dead and gone]