Wednesday, wherein I deftly combine the Obama New Yorker cover and iphone references into one handy post, just to get it all over with

Granted, I hadn’t had any coffee yet when I saw this headline, but I don’t think that’s a particularly good excuse. My thoughts were, in this order, although not actually enumerated as such in my head:

1. “I can’t believe they used such a derogatory term in this headline.”
2. “Using the word “claimed” casts doubt, like they couldn’t believe a bunch of Southerners could do such a thing.”
3. “Oh. Wait.”
4. “I have just relinquished all right to ever teach courses on the history of computing or cyberculture ever again, at any level.”

The headline? “Crackers claim iPhone 3G hack.”

I know. I know. This is the kind of thing one should just keep to oneself, but it made me laugh.

I don’t have anything else about the Obama New Yorker cover that hasn’t already been said – and said much better – on the Daily Show:

4 thoughts on “Wednesday, wherein I deftly combine the Obama New Yorker cover and iphone references into one handy post, just to get it all over with

  1. gilahi

    I think you missed an opportunity here. Since you mentioned coffee in the opening sentence, you could have made reference to that whole Murky Coffee incident that EVERYBODY ELSE IN DCBLOGS IS WRITING ABOUT!

    Sorry. Lost my head there for a second.

  2. rebecca

    Hahaha. I was just reading the Washington Post’s Metro section article about the kerfluffle to Husband. I surfed around a bit about that since we used to go there fairly often when I had friends working there and I know 2 of the 3 people involved, but every time I hit a slur about how the owner was asian “and you know how they are” I just clicked away.

  3. rebecca

    Wait, Jon Stewart called Boris ugly????

    Oh, and to clarify most of the discussion about the murky coffee thing wasn’t racial, it was just stupid. That was just the final straw for me.

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