Category Archives: wild kingdom


At Faith’s behest, I was going to post about the scare over contaminated [tag]squirrel[/tag] meat being over in [tag]New Jersey[/tag]. I did a google search and came across this article in the New York Daily News Food section, “Squirrel and other ‘weird meats’ get gourmet makeover.” Our long national squirrel nightmare is over.

New Jersey had warned consumers near Ringwood months ago to limit squirrel consumption after the feds believed they had found lead in a dead squirrel. It turned out to be a false reading. At fault was a defective blender used to puree the squirrels.

[read the whole thing article]

Despite the fact that this article had a link to [tag][/tag], it wasn’t nearly as interesting as the beauty that came up next in my search results: “New Jersey Squirrel Sets Car on Fire.”

Have a nice weekend, but watch out for the squirrels, people. They are up to noooo good.

…a demonic tornado of fur…

“Florida toddler and cop in squirrel carnage”

A [tag]rogue squirrel[/tag] launched a terrifying attack in a [tag]Florida[/tag] playground that left three people injured, including a 3-year-old boy and a Highway Patrol trooper.

The fearsome assault, the latest manifestation of the Squirrel Menace, was unleashed on Wednesday afternoon in the playground of the Children’s Academy Daycare centre, Orange County.

[Read the whole article. No, really. Go read the whole article.]

Thanks for the link, Jessica.

wild monkeys

I heard this story on the radio while I was napping. It didn’t faze me, which would be fine, but I misheard the story completely and thought this happened in Tampa. And I thought they said winged [tag]monkeys[/tag], not wild monkeys. It was the winged monkeys part that prompted me to look up the story for verification when I woke up more fully. Now I see the Deputy Mayor of Delhi – not Tampa – was killed by wild monkeys. No word on whether they had wings or not.

here kitty kitty kitty

Hmmm….6 months of arthritis drugs with tedious side effects or a big kitty, an alleged Serval, Leopard, and housecat cross called an Ashera. A cat who, from the look of him, would probably end up pouncing on me and devouring me in my sleep – obviating the need for the aforementioned drugs, but making a terrible mess. “Tragic housecat accident” is just one of those phrases you don’t want to see in your obituary, not unlike “freak gardening incident.” But let’s not dwell on that now.

If you go to the image gallery, there’s either lots of photo-trickery and midget-models, or that’s one big kitty. Which makes me want one, if only to stop the problem of local dog owners using my yard as a dogpark once and for all.

Still, the [tag]Ashera[/tag] sounds like either a hoax or A Very Bad Idea.


Link via [tag]Evil Agent[/tag] and [tag]Daily Candy[/tag].