here kitty kitty kitty

Hmmm….6 months of arthritis drugs with tedious side effects or a big kitty, an alleged Serval, Leopard, and housecat cross called an Ashera. A cat who, from the look of him, would probably end up pouncing on me and devouring me in my sleep – obviating the need for the aforementioned drugs, but making a terrible mess. “Tragic housecat accident” is just one of those phrases you don’t want to see in your obituary, not unlike “freak gardening incident.” But let’s not dwell on that now.

If you go to the image gallery, there’s either lots of photo-trickery and midget-models, or that’s one big kitty. Which makes me want one, if only to stop the problem of local dog owners using my yard as a dogpark once and for all.

Still, the [tag]Ashera[/tag] sounds like either a hoax or A Very Bad Idea.


Link via [tag]Evil Agent[/tag] and [tag]Daily Candy[/tag].

8 thoughts on “here kitty kitty kitty

  1. Faith

    That thing looks like it would tear Boris’ head off. The whole designer pet thing really peeves me.

    I clicked the dog part and they were talking about “developing” some sort of super small dog. Probably test driving one on Paris Hilton to see if it can survive. These “new breed” things are often suspicious and shady. OK, so I know too much about this crap and I actually care about it. Sue me.

  2. rebecca

    You’re just being practical and humane. Stop that. Focus on the look on Pork Belly’s face when he gets out of his car and sees me and Mr. Whiskers coming down the sidewalk. :-)

  3. Tracy

    “The Ashera is priced at $22,000, plus any applicable sales taxes and is due at time of order.”

    the mind reels. Thousands of cats in animal shelters needing homes and this person is breeding a special cat that costs more than a price of a car.

    The dog thing is even more disturbing. Designer pets. *shudder*

  4. rebecca

    Yeah but still a bargain compared to my meds, and probably just as effective. Maybe Mr. Whiskers can be classified as a helper animal, which I believe was evil’s original suggestion when she sent the link…

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