Tag Archives: television

Ace Power!

Before the Humpicizer, falling in front of the couch was a leading cause of humiliation for young Korean women.

[embedded video: Ace Power]

(I may have stolen the term “humpicizer” from The Soup, which used the name in a teaser last night but then didn’t show the clip).

Someone took a perfectly good Johnny Depp & put a bird on it

There are many cultural issues regarding the Lone Ranger remake but every time I start to think about them, my brain derails with the thought, “Someone took a perfectly good Johnny Depp & put a fucking bird on it.”

I deeply question Vanity Fair’s assertion that Johnny Depp makes this look cool in any way shape or form.

Note to vanity fair: Bird. On. Head.

[embedded video: Portlandia: Put a bird on it]

This was a draft I found hanging around. It started life on my facebook page on March 8, 2012 so I don’t remember where I planned to go with it. This is what you get.

Doctor Who fans will want to try the Daleks Relaxation program.


I’m detoxing from too much CNN by just watching this clip over and over. It seems to be working out okay for me. This probably isn’t safe for work. I can never tell anymore since I don’t work with other people – and even when I did, they weren’t really safe for work.


In the summer of 1981 my brother and I spent a lot of time at our cousins house. They had a TV. And cable. And they were cool. And on August 1st, they got MTV. And they got to stay up as late as they wanted, so we all watched it’s debut.

[embedded video]

I could spout some media and cultural theory bullshit about the dawn of MTV. Instead I’m just going to do what everyone else is doing and embed the moon landing station ID and the Buggles “Video Killed the Radio Star,” because frankly, as a 5th grader, watching the debut of MTV didn’t fill me with any grand-eloquent sense of the future of music. I just thought it was cool.