Fred Schneider sings Scott McCLellan

Last night on the Daily Show they made Scott McClellan’s book more exciting by having Fred Schneider from the B52s sing parts of it. (The clips aren’t up yet, but I’ll provide the link now so I don’t forget to come back).

Husband watches politics on TV the way other people watch sports, but I have to admit that I was the one who said, in all seriousness, “John Dean needs to back off, he’s starting to dilute his brand.” Then I thought about what I’d said, and then I thought about taking a little vacation somewhere far away.

Dean has been ubiquitous on talking head shows for several years now. The people who remember, or understand, just how evil the Nixon Administration were are decreasing in number. Dean is in danger of becoming the commentator-equivalent of an aging Arena Rock band. He’s got to be sweating now that McClellan has joined the ranks of insider Executive Branch malfeasance experts who give good interview.

Still, I’ve gotten used to seeing Dean pop up everywhere, so this will require a period of adjustment. It was particularly weird to see Scotty sitting down and getting cozy with Keith Olbermann (May 29th).

I don’t have the Daily Show clip, so here’s the dance remix of that Bill O’Reilly temper-tantrum, which you should know by now is not worksafe.

Bill Nighy shrine

I was going to build a shrine to Bill Nighy, but I’m lazy. Plus, someone else already made one. I wasn’t really thinking of a website. I was thinking of a big pagan altar-type affair in the front yard. Gotta keep the neighbors on their toes and all…

That sort of relates to the June blogging theme of home.

Later, when I’ve acclimated to these drugs I’m going to catch up on the last few issues of Dwell. I love Dwell. I’m not going to meet with the designer to go over the plans for the new bathroom, though. I imagine all manner of bad decisions could be made while on drugs. Home improvement decisions, much like tattoos, should only be done while cold sober.


The combination of canceling my trip to Detroit and spraining my knee mean I’m going to be seeing even more of my home than usual, so this month’s June blogging theme: Home seemed quite appropriate. Maybe I should sift through and pull out all the home and housework related books to read and liven up the bookblog at the same time.

That might be too productive. Plus, we still have 15 days of Artomatic left, plus a month of tear-down so I shouldn’t get too ambitious about getting my life back. (You don’t really think we all just go home the day the show ends, do you?)

One thing’s for sure, I’m benched for the rest of Roller Derby season.