Tag Archives: christmas

thing of wonder: 1601 Collingwood Road

We made a trip over to 1601 Collingwood Road to view the Christmas Light spectacular. This is what Holly’s Tacky Christmas Lights in Fairfax has to say about the display (I inserted links and embedded the video so any linking errors are mine):

1601 Collingwood Road, Alexandria

My top favorite…Extremely large house and yard with beautifully done lights everywhere! Very classy and tacky at the same time. I loved the ground cover done in green lights with the larger red (berry) lights. Also, many groups of lighted deer figures. And the homeowner does all this, not a landscape company…

PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE use extra care on Collingwood Road and do NOT make a u-turn when you are finished viewing. This is a narrow and dangerous road with substantial regular traffic. One vehicle has already had to be towed out this year. This required police to close the road for 30 minutes and the concern is that a similar incident may force the display to be shut down. So, PLEASE, NO U TURNS ON COLLINGWOOD!!

Display Enhancments over the years:
2008 – Look for the stream and pond to be expanded and additional animation surrounding the animated mega-tree. 92 new wireframes have been fabricated and new and revised (with additional animated channels) songs for 2008 will total 10. Also many more lights are now replaced with LEDs.
2007 – added more animation including a flowing stream and pond with leaping fish.

Check out the following videos on YouTube:

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kjMHYb0MsLE – 12/15/2007 – 8:15

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gOI_x8MgAOs – 12/23/2006 – 1:46

Also see Tacky Humor page for a very humorous YouTube video using Collingwood Lights as backing.

12/21/07-After years of exchanging emails, I finally got to meet the extremely talented man who does this display. I have so much respect for this gentleman and his abilities. He is truly a master of Christmas Light design. We are so fortunate to have him here locally.
2006 – added 28 more leaping deer, 30 shooting stars, 250 strobes and 21,000 led’s. Animated to music.
2005 – Leaping reindeer.

For more information on his display specification, visit his website.

Holly also maintains the Fairfax Christmas Lights blog.

Amazing, 355 days into blog365 and I almost forgot to post anything today. That would have been sad, wouldn’t it?

I think you have to pick one

The same co-workers who complained for an hour this morning about how Christmas should not be a holiday because it caters to Christians have now shifted to complaining about working on the day after Christmas and how unfair it is.

Dr. Noodles and I have decided to just turn our offices into a bunker (not exactly a stretch of either the imagination or available resources) and play loud music all day to keep everyone away.