Lotus time!

IMG_2678, originally uploaded by meanlouise.

The end of July is generally a miserable time of year here in the mid-Atlantic region. It’s a million degrees out and the humidity hovers around a level my old boss, Dr. Noodles, refers to as “air that makes you feel like you’re breathing through a wet sock.


It’s all (mostly) worth it when you trek over to Kenilworth Aquatic Gardens to see the lotuses and water lilies in full bloom.

I think it is, anyway.

I try to visit multiple times each summer (and throughout the year) but so far have only made one journey this season. I posted a small set of photos on flickr for those of you who don’t want to trek out into the heat, humidity and punishing sun. (Go super early in the day and take lots of water. Your brain will thank you).

View the most recent Flickr set:
Kenilworth Aquatic Gardens, Washington DC, July 16, 2013

p.s. don’t forget to leave a comment on this other post before Friday if you want the chance to win an exciting prize. I swear to you that none of the prizes involve opossums, although 1 or 2 of them may be opossum-adjacent. Maybe.