Muskrat Queens

On the front page of today’s Washington Post there was a picture of a young woman in formal attire and the full-on Beauty Queen hair and makeup. She had a dead [tag]muskrat[/tag] slung over her shoulder.

Thus did we learn a great deal from an article titled “Fur Flies at Beauty Pageant (But It’s Not What You Think) – In [tag]Eastern Shore[/tag]’s Muskrat Country, Contestants Keep Two Traditions Alive”. Until this morning I wasn’t even aware of the [tag]Miss Outdoors[/tag] pageant.

“It’s not weird,” Phillips said. “You can be graceful and beautiful and well-poised and skin a muskrat.”

Although we learned that (muskrat) “…carcasses are sometimes stewed with liberal amounts of sage,” I’m too lazy to meatblog this one.

2 thoughts on “Muskrat Queens

  1. JP

    i was tired when i read this and basically just skimmed it backwards from right to left. The first thing my mind interpreted was “sage liberal stewed carcass” and I thought Bill had cooked and eaten Hillary.

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