Is Andrew in the coffin? No one knows.

A few weeks ago, I posted about the excellent invitation I received to a new painting exhibit, House – 13 new works by Andrew Wodzianski. Tonight was the opening and the paintings are really great.

I was meeting Veronica for dinner and drinks so I got to the gallery early – allowing me to get the full effect of the nurses standing by in case any audience members should be unable to handle the shock of what they were about to view. It made me giggle gleefully, because I’m a huge b-movie nerd.

Opening night: Flashpoint Gallery hosts House - 13 new works by Andrew Wodziansk

Andrew wasn’t in evidence, although in true William Castle fashion, he was rumored to be laying in the coffin.

Opening night: Flashpoint Gallery hosts House - 13 new works by Andrew Wodziansk

The paintings are quite good, especially if you’re a fan. (Of both Andrew and b-movies). I didn’t think I could do justice to them so I’ll wait til Andrew posts some images and link to them directly.

Opening night: Flashpoint Gallery hosts House - 13 new works by Andrew Wodziansk

Appropriately enough, I arrived home tonight to see that Overlord II, my tivo, had recorded Matinee for me, Joe Dante’s amusing send-up of the genre. At least I think it was amusing, I haven’t seen it since it came out in 1993. Guess I’ll just have to watch it and see…