Category Archives: television

Oh tivo, we were getting along so well…

Moments after I noted that OverLord II, our new Tivo, was getting to know us very well, it let me down completely by suggesting…Blitzer. *sigh*

On a related note, Marc Fisher’s column contained this line today, Thousands of inaugural ticket holders ended up trudging back to their hotels and settling for a plate of presidential pomp drenched in Blitzerian blather.” Blitzerian blather is a phrase I wish I’d thought of.

Artomatic + Keith Olbermann – a (non)Friday (non)Five

I was putting together this week’s Friday Five when I realized that I didn’t have five fun links bookmarked from the weeks surfing. Also, it’s no longer Friday. In lieu of that, here’s something that struck me as funny this week as I’ve been restoring my blog archives once and (knock on wood) for all.

I forgot that Artomatic made an appearance on Countdown in 2004! In the Oddball segment, of course.

My first vaguely obsessive post about Countdown with Keith Olbermann was in April 2003, but the funniest (Olbermann-related post) is this one from July 2004 where I whine about why no one else seems to want to watch it with me:

In terms of Actual Serious news I think Countdown is the clear winner, although I’m still trying to find another person (besides Husband) who watches it. It’s not that they haven’t heard of it, they just dismiss Olbermann as a newscaster with no brains and no knowledge of politics and world affairs. Or, they scoff because of his tenure at FOX. I think it’s too bad, he can be pompous but it’s still a decent show. Guess I’ll just enjoy it while it lasts.

I thought it was funny, anyway. Not that my first post about the show was any kind of deep critique:

I can’t be the only one watching MSNBC’s Countdown with Keith Olbermann, can I? It’s a really good news show. And Olbermann is a snappy dresser. Hey, if we’re going to hold female news anchors to a certain standard it’s only fair to apply it to the men, right? Keith can rock the pinstripes. That’s a risky look on television, without some height it’s easy to end up looking like Lou Costello.

Hey, I still think he’s a snappy dresser…

gen-x slackers

After I graduated college, it took some effort to tune out the mainstream media’s ominous pronouncements that ours was a generation of underachieving losers and slackers. Some of my college classmates seem to be doing pretty okay, so maybe they can make up for the rest of us. David Gregory, has been named host of Meet the Press. (Executive Producer Betsy Fischer was also a classmate). I’d think Gregory was a good choice even if he hadn’t been a classmate, but it’s been interesting to me to listen to people argue against his selection. I have to admit I’m starting to get old (shallow?) enough that I enjoy the argument that he’s too young. It’s been a long and difficult Monday, let me take my joy where I can find it, okay?

Feliz Navidad

Feliz Navidad is the number one cause of earworm-related fatalities in North America.

OK, I made that up. I have no evidence to prove the existence of fatal earworms. But if there was such a thing, Feliz Navidad would be it.

In fact, I’m quite certain that on Fringe we’re eventually going to discover that Walter was driven batshit insane in that hospital after the government forced him to listen to that blasted song over and over until it was permanently lodged in his brain. It will explain a lot.