Category Archives: nature

World Parrot Trust, Lori on DCist, & Talk Like a Pirate Day

I just spent an hour completely hypnotized by the World Parrot Trust website. You should go and learn about Parrot conservation efforts and look at the pretty pictures.

Speaking of pretty pictures, hooray for Lori, who had one of her nice photos posted on DCist yesterday.

Also, happy Talk Like a Pirate Day. This is my brother’s favorite holiday, so if you find yourself in the neighborhood of Iraq and you happen to run into him, say “Arrrr” to him for me.

Obligatory snakehead post

I’ve been thinking I was overdue for a snakehead post, and surprised to see it’s been over a year since they last made an appearance here. Too bad that isn’t the case the Potomac river and it’s tributaries haven’t been so lucky, as evidenced by the recent discover of two adult snakeheads and 165 babies. In a puddle.


I’ve been thinking about snakeheads lately, though, having recently caught the tail-end of the SciFi opus, Snakehead Terror. I love the part where they break into the house and march up the stairs. Or is it down the stairs? I’m always laughing too hard and never remember exactly. The real snakehead situation? No laughing matter.

Lotuses and Artscape and X, oh my!

Tomorrow is the High Holy Day known more commonly as the Water Lily and Lotus Asian Culture Festival at the beloved (at least in our house) Kenilworth Aquatic Gardens.

Today, Saturday and Sunday Artscape takes over a big chunk of Baltimore.

For those who don’t want Visual Art messing with their musical experience, there’s also Whartscape. Line-up is on the website, but with the disclaimer, “Schedule subject to incomprehensible changes at the drop of a hat!” which has an honesty to it I appreciate.

As a sidenote, I’m annoyed to see that we missed Mark Hosler preforming Negativland’s new project, Thingomatic last night as part of Whartscape. I recently tried, not very successfully (my fault), to explain Negativland to Sean and Rania.

Speaking of Sean, he’ll be at X Saturday night, which you should also go to.