Category Archives: updates (site)

slothbears and blog-birthdays, but not at the same time

I emailed Husband the story about the monkey-eating sloth bears.  Now, for some reason, it’s difficult to sell him on the idea of popping by the National Zoo on the way to work to see the sloth bear cub.  I think I may have scarred him. Stephen Colbert hasn’t been helping the situation.

In non-bear news, there’ve been tons of open studios and other art-related events of late.  all of which I’ve promised to post about. None of which I have actually posted about. My brain is simply still much too full to post about any of it in any sort of coherent way, but I’ll get around to it.

Not that I’ve ever let the need for coherence stand in my way.

Speaking of incoherence…

Can you believe the 5 year anniversary of this site came and went a few months ago? And maybe in five more years I’ll have the archives I partially destroyed by mistake restored.  I just noticed because I was thinking of merging all projects back into one place. Not killing anything, just moving it.  While I was contemplating all this, I found my original blogger log-in info…from 1999.  Which, ironically, I never could find when I needed it. Then I went hunting around and found that this particular site launched in April 2001.

That’s 35 in dog-years.

OK. So it’s not, but “that would be 35 in dog years if there was a quantifiable dog-to-human lifespan measurement indicator that had any degree of reliability whatsoever” doesn’t have the same concise zip.  And that’s me, nothing if not concise. And zippy.


I think someone slipped me decaf today.

artomatic 2006 organizing

My new project is close to launching, but in the meantime I thought I’d post something new here.

Artomatic 2006 organizing has begun and you can go to the website to find out how to get involved. Not sure where you fit in? Send an email to volunteer at and I’ll help you find the committee that will fill the void in your life you probably didn’t even know you had.


I’ve been so distracted by the War on Christmas, the War on the War on Christmas, and, of couse, the War on the War on the War on Christmas that I keep forgetting to post. Well, not really, but it’s as good excuse as any. The annual fracas over the alleged War on Christmas would be hilarious if it wasn’t so pathetic and sad. Not to mention paranoid and anti-semitic.

Speaking of posting – I actually considered rebuilding my archives last night. I’m only going to back to 2000, I think. If I ever actually do it. Which, clearly, I still haven’t.

what a relief! & a 5ish-year blog-a-versary

I don’t know about you, but I slept much better last night after President Bush told us everything was juuuuuust fine. Whew. I’d been concerned, as you may have noticed, but now I see that we’re firmly in control, the war went great, and goddamnit, we’re number 1.

We’re number 1! We’re number 1! We’re number 1! USA. USA. Take that, world! In Your Face, Saddam Hussein.

Yes. So.

Although this particular site has been live for little more than 2 years, I’ve been babbling at you pretty-much nonstop for 5 years now. Old entries are recycled here now and again, so after much thought I decided that it was sort of legitimate to declare this the 5th birthday of the blog/journal/whatever, even if the site has migrated hither and yon over that time. It’s never actually gone away, so I figure that counts for something, maybe. In reality, maybe 1999 is a better birthdate. I don’t know, you can discuss among yourselves.

Here’s the 1st paragraph of my first post, dated July 31, 1998:*

This project is probably doomed to failure, because the odds of me updating this site on a regular basis for any length of time fall somewhere between slim and none.

Yeah, so as we can see, I was a little off in predictions of a speedy obsolecence.

The rest of the post was pretty boring, but is rather ironic in that it was a rather sarcastic little blurb on the President’s crappy foreign policy. President Clinton that is. Hey, I’m nothing if not consistent. Or consistently inconsistent.

I have no big revelations or wackiness to commemorate today, but I did begin to think about something (vaguely) important (to me) on the way to work.

This morning in Georgetown a pigeon just dropped out of the sky with a thunk on the windshield of a car in another lane. The driver of the car, never pausing from her cellphone conversation, leaned out of her car removed the pigeon (tossing it on the ground), got back in her car, ran her windshield wipers/washer and then proceeded on her way. No one else seemed to be paying the slightest bit of attention to this.

Isn’t it odd for pigeons to fall from the sky? Or is it only odd if you bother to think about it? As I drove on, I began to think that it was possible that it’s not that weird things happen to me, it’s that I bother to notice them.

Then I thought about the fact that (to me anyway) my car still smells like squirrel pee. And I realized that no matter how I tried to rationalize it, I am a freak magnet of the highest order and I just have to accept that.

* And completely hand-coded. That sure sucked. All hail moveable type!

this site may be doomed

I’m sharing a grad student office with a nuclear physics PhD candidate and she’s really nice but she comes in and while she’s thinking, she stares intensely in my direction when I’m writing and mumbles under her breath, which I find slightly stifling, creatively speaking. The upside to this is that I’m very focused while I’m there and getting a lot of labwork done instead of dawdling in the office. The downside is that I’ve been neglecting my blog. My home connection is very slow and I don’t blog from my (work) office computer.

If things go dark here for a while, don’t write me off. I’ll be back.