slothbears and blog-birthdays, but not at the same time

I emailed Husband the story about the monkey-eating sloth bears.  Now, for some reason, it’s difficult to sell him on the idea of popping by the National Zoo on the way to work to see the sloth bear cub.  I think I may have scarred him. Stephen Colbert hasn’t been helping the situation.

In non-bear news, there’ve been tons of open studios and other art-related events of late.  all of which I’ve promised to post about. None of which I have actually posted about. My brain is simply still much too full to post about any of it in any sort of coherent way, but I’ll get around to it.

Not that I’ve ever let the need for coherence stand in my way.

Speaking of incoherence…

Can you believe the 5 year anniversary of this site came and went a few months ago? And maybe in five more years I’ll have the archives I partially destroyed by mistake restored.  I just noticed because I was thinking of merging all projects back into one place. Not killing anything, just moving it.  While I was contemplating all this, I found my original blogger log-in info…from 1999.  Which, ironically, I never could find when I needed it. Then I went hunting around and found that this particular site launched in April 2001.

That’s 35 in dog-years.

OK. So it’s not, but “that would be 35 in dog years if there was a quantifiable dog-to-human lifespan measurement indicator that had any degree of reliability whatsoever” doesn’t have the same concise zip.  And that’s me, nothing if not concise. And zippy.


I think someone slipped me decaf today.