Category Archives: seriously?

Paisley Alert

I was sorting the junk mail today when the back of an American Stationary catalog caught my eye. The featured product? Paisley Calligraphy Notes. And they have other paisley products.

It’s coming back, and we’re helpless to stop it.

We don’t have to wear it, but soon we’re going to have to see it.


I just know it.

Don’t you remember how awful this was last time?

Oh god, and what if someone puts paisley on…Crocs.

I just can’t bear to think about it.

or the terrorists win…

It’s not unusual for me to find a [tag]TSA[/tag] tag in my luggage. It is unusual, however, to find that every single pair of panties in my suitcase have disappeared. Also, Husband’s razor blade. Not the handle, just the cartridge blade.

Safety first.

innocent escapes

The Branding Professionals behind at [tag]Georgia-Pacific[/tag] who created Brawny Academy and are smoking crack. At least I hope they are, because I don’t have another explanation for this. Maybe all publicity is good publicity, but I think I’m already well on my way to a phobia about their products now so I’m not sure the truism is, um, true…

Bad Products

Orange flavored toothpaste is not a good idea. I think our dentist was giving this stuff away as some sort of toothbrushing dis-incentive plan.

[image of orange toothpaste tube]

“Original experience” is what it says on the tube. Husband wonders if that refers to the experience of brushing your teeth and then drinking pulpy orange juice. I tried the stuff, and that’s exactly what it feels and tastes like. Blech.

our long national nightmare is over

Yesterday I had a meeting downtown and took a brief detour through the Smithsonian’s Sackler Gallery of Asian Art. I was looking at that lovely, serene building with it’s beautiful and dignified collections and it’s noble mission to educate and enlighten in the public sphere and I thought to myself, “You know, Washington really needs more overpriced and tacky shit.”

I’m not really sure how Washington, DC survived all these years without a Madame Tussauds, so you can imagine how happy I was when I opened the Washington Post this morning and saw that the new wax museum is nearing completion in the old Woodies building. I’d heard about this project, but was in complete denial, I think.

I’m relieved that kids will be able to see replicas of the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution. I’m often worried that they’ll go see the real ones for free. And in some sort of historical context or some such nonsense. The time I save no longer worrying about that can now be blocked off for fretting over the rise of Mike Huckabee. You’re saying “who?” now, but that’s what people outside of Arkansas said about Clinton, too. (Which? Both).