Tag Archives: insects


Today I saw my first cicada from Brood X. And I realized that my brother and I – being rather poor as children and lacking things like television to keep us entertained – used to love collecting their shells into huge jars. We were also morbid little beasts – as befits the children of a homicide investigator, I suppose.

I’m looking forward to recording the cicada symphanies. I like bugs. I hate snakes, but I like bugs. I don’t really like them in my hair, though, and so I may need a new floppy hat for cicada season.


From BABES (the bay area bug eating society) to the food insects newsletter, there’s more interest than ever in eating insects. A recent wired article noted:

Crickets do not taste like chicken.

But saute them with a little olive oil and some spices and they are surprisingly edible, with a nice crunch and a subtle nut flavor. Their little legs do tend to get stuck between your teeth, though.

[read the rest of “The Scorpions Taste Kinda Fishy” at wired.com]

With Cicada Brood X soon to descend, er, ascend on DC you just know that this site is going to be extra buggy for a while.

Hey, even I get bored with the snakehead sometimes.

I have got to get the archives fixed soon, this would have been a perfect post to link back to the Sugar-Fried Crickets post.

A man with hairy legs is wearing my dress

When I got home from work tonight I found that my dress had arrived. Unfortunately, my dress had also left because the delivery service requires a signature. Eve and Tara assure me that the delivery guy isn’t sitting at home tonight sitting in my dress, swigging beer. Once I develop a paranoid conspiracy theory it’s hard to let go of if it’s silly enough to make me laugh. When I stop giggling though I just know this is what I will lie awake tonight worrying about.

Have I ever told you about the Telepathic Time-travelling Mutant Space Crickets? Well, I can’t talk about it right now. Maybe later. They exist. You can’t actually prove they don’t. Think about it. There’s just something not right about crickets and this would explain a lot. Others will corroborate my story. Um, these other people are at least as crazy as I am, but I don’t believe that should have any bearing on the evidence, or lack thereof.

Back to a few hours ago…When I first arrive home there was an entire herd of squirrels in the road. They scattered and so I parked my car. Then I looked out the window. One of them was sitting there, watching me. I just know it was planning to jump in my car. I’m convinced my car still smells like squirrel pee. I’m so not playing that game again.

I debated climbing out the passenger side, but decided that was the dumbest idea I’d ever had. Or at least the dumbest idea I’d had in the last 10 minutes.

Maybe we should just move on now.

[image missing]

Here’s an excellent site collecting information on Eldred v. Ashcroft. (Also home of the Free the Mouse campaign, where you can get a fine button like the one you see above)
I had planned to try and watch Lessig argue the case before the Supremes this morning, but I had an obligation I couldn’t weasel out of. Husband was also less than enthusiastic about camping out at the Supreme Court all night, but I would like to point out that Lisa Rein did so and promises a report (and video about the camping out portion of the program) in the near future.

I think that this is all enough to worry about for one night so I think I’ll go to bed now. Tomorrow, er, today, is another one of those 9 a.m. to 10 p.m. days that I’m pretty sure violate child labor laws or something.

I’ll have to ask the Cricket Overlords about that.

There are no cricket overlords, of course. I’m just being silly.

Or at least that’s what they told me to tell you.

good eats

Specialists in different biological fields organize the world in different ways. Generally this boils down to romanticizing the critters you study and denegrating all other critters. Passion should drive your career choices, I’m not saying this is necessarily a horrible thing.

Well, sometimes it is. A case in point would be psychologists who romanticize primates as a way to pretend that all negative human traits are learned.
“Look! The chimp is smiling at me!”
“Chimps know perfect love.”
“Look at those teeth. Look at that innocence.”
“He’s such a noble creature.”
“Yeah, he’s smiling all right. Why don’t you get a little closer, it’ll make it easier for his noble ass to rip your face off.”

But I digress…

I realized recently that I also have my own handy little way of categorizing nature. My categories are simple: Tasty. Not Tasty.

Basically, I’ll eat anything. Once. (Let’s be reasonable and work on the assumption that by “anything” I mean “anything prepared in a safe manner.” I’m not going to try 5 day old roadkill prepared in the back of a van). Anything shrimpy is out of the question. I’m allergic to those slippery bastards.

I’ve eaten all manner of insects, reptiles, sea creatures, land animals and flying beasties. I haven’t tried Fugu (puffer fish) because it seems a little crazy to me, and also because there’s some question of cross-toxicity for shellfish-allergic individuals. My neighbors tell me I’m not really missing much.

What I find a little odd is that I find eating insects less creepy than say, eel. A termite looks like a termite. I know exactly what I’m getting. It’s a termite. This is what it looks like alive. This is what it looks like dead. A piece of eel only hints at what the sucker looked like alive and allows my imagination to run wild and creep me out.

Having said that, the cricket incident still ooks me out a bit.

At the end of some event or another I’ve long since forgotten, a dignitary from a country in Africa that’s changed names so many times I’m not even sure what the proper name is came to my office to thank us for our assistance. I think he was assassinated later, but probably not because of his generosity with snacks.

He brought us a present. A big bag of crickets. These weren’t chocolate covered crickets. These were crickets. Dipped in a sugar syrup and flash-fried. They looked like crickets. Big crickets. Big, big crickets.

We didn’t want to create An Incident, so we all had to be polite and eat a cricket. Even the vegetarians. Trying to explain vegetarianism to a man from a country where people are starving is a losing, not to mention arrogant, proposition.

I managed to pretend I enjoyed the crickets a little too well and he insisted I take the crickets. All of them. I called Husband and told him I had a surprise for him and took the bag home. When I got there, Husband had a surprise for me. His Excellency the Cricket Man had paid him a visit too.

We gave one bag away, but we were stuck with the other one. We just didn’t have the heart to throw it away. Eventually I put it in my in-laws refrigerator while we were housesitting.

This has been a test of the MT blog management system. It is only a test. In the event of a real post there would have been something even less-lucid here. That is all.

Even my test-posts are too wordy. Sheesh.