Tag Archives: cats

Escape to Witch Mountain

We survived the earthquake and the hurricane so there was only one thing to do: watch a terrible movie. My friend Carolyn and I chose Escape to Witch Mountain, which we both saw in the theater as wee children.

The 1970s were a simpler time when most children were orphans and it wasn’t weird at all for middle-aged men to adopt them and lock them away in their mountain fortresses. There were a lot more psychic cats roaming the world, too.

This clip contains spoilers if you’ve a) never seen the movie or b) aren’t smart enough from viewing the trailers or the posters to figure out that the psychic children from another planet trying to find their people and get home on their spaceship are, you know, aliens from another planet:

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This clip just contains outright creepiness. The marionette that appears at 1:37 is a bit sinister. And the shapely humanoid calves of the bird creature who dances starting at about 1:50? Creepy.

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Happy Friday!

This cat does not give a damn

I’m jetlagged & crazy & trying to get caught back up with life & re-acclimate to stupidly hot weather, so it’s entirely possible this isn’t as funny as I think it is. I don’t care. I laughed my head off, so I’m sharing it with you, my lovelies, because I can:


While avoiding doing any actual work a few months ago, I read an article in the Washington Post about toasters. This caught my eye:

Cat fancy. Does your cat pee on your toaster? The reason for this may be a crumb tray jammed with bread that is regularly nibbled on by a mouse.

Is this a common enough problem that it merits mention? I put this into the draft file for future research, but I know I’m not going to get around to it, so I’m just going to post it.

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there are bad ideas and there are BAD ideas

I was walking by a neighbor’s house when I heard the kids planning to dress up the cats and pose them in a funny picture to make their mom a mother’s day card.

Cats love costumes.

I probably should have picked up a tube of neosporin and some roles of gauze for them at the drug store, I suspect their going to need it.