His mind-reading powers are legion

Matt left this link in my comments, “Giant Pythons in Florida.” Mom and I were discussing the python menace in Florida when he left the link, which is rather spooky since our conversation had nothing to do with that particular story. (I believe the context was, “People we’d like to feed to the giant pythons,” but that’s a whole other post).

2 thoughts on “His mind-reading powers are legion

  1. Linkmeister

    I’m reminded of “The Swiss Family Robinson,” the scene in which the donkey is crushed to death by the giant snake, thus inflicting heartbreak on one or more of the children.

  2. JunglePete

    The USGS has backed off on their report of Pythons in the Everglades. They are a menace. There are roughly 20,000 of them. The do eat native mammals (and an occasional alligator). I am speaking of the pythons. Not the USGS people. But the USGS report was suggesting that as the earth continues to warm, more and more habitat would be suitable for the pythons. The idea of a swarm of snakes slithering north is laughable. So thanks to Discovery Channel for whipping people into a frenzy. Never mind the hordes of human locusts that continue to plague the peninsula – there’s snakes on the way!

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