The Gift Guide Goes On…

Once upon a time, we almost subscribed Brother-In-Law to a [tag]Bacon of the Month Club[/tag]. Fruit of the Month clubs are for old ladies, but bacon, bacon seemed like an excellent choice for recently lapsed vegetarians.

We weren’t crazy about the choices and I don’t remember what we ended up getting him that year (it wasn’t [tag]bacon[/tag]). Fast forward to today, when [tag]Samer[/tag], who needs to update his blog, sent me a link to the truly fine sounding [tag]Grateful Palate[/tag]. While poking around for reviews, I learned from and Bacon Unwrapped, that the Grateful Palate sells [tag]Bacon Brittle[/tag].

Bacon Brittle, people. Bacon Brittle.

I am way too excited about this product. Even more excited than when (former) [tag]Co-Worker Who Is Not My Boyfriend[/tag] told me of the wonderous product known as [tag]microwaveable pork rinds[/tag].

I couldn’t find my original post about microwaveable pork rinds, but searching my site for the term “pork rinds” turned up a post with the title, “I am not designed to get up at 5 a.m. nor to try to remember which is my right foot and which is my left foot while attempting to do aerobics before the sun even rises, and to a techno remix of Jefferson Airplane’s “White Rabbit”, no less, in a room of people who are just as disoriented as me.”

That wasn’t very helpful.

Incidentally, is no longer a low-carb food catalog, it is now a eulogy to the recently deceased company founder.

Lowry’s Microwaveable Pork Rinds, however, remain on the market.

I have to go now. I need to place an order for bacon brittle before I forget.

5 thoughts on “The Gift Guide Goes On…

  1. rebecca

    The first week in January was just declared Bacon Week (er, on my blog) so we’ll be returning to this topic in a few days I think :-)

  2. rebecca

    And to respond to the emails suggesting I am a Fruit of the Month Ageist…Let me clarify: fruit of the month is a fabulous thing to receive, but I don’t believe you can order it for someone else unless you are over the age of 50. At least in the 48 Contiguous United States. Hawai’i, Alaska, Guam, Puerto Rico, and American Samoa may have different laws. None of this should be construed as legal advice. In the event of an actual Fruit of the Month consideration you are advised to seek private counsel.

  3. Faith

    I suppose I should save all my bacon goodness knowledge for Bacon Week, but I can’t help but share (1) the bacon chocolate bar that I desperately wish for or the bacon ice cream I have heard rumors of since listening to a public radio show where a woman was talking about the recipe. Unfortunately I was in a taxi and didn’t have anything to take notes on.

    I’m giddy with excitement for bacon week. Can’t you tell?

  4. rebecca

    Vosges chocolates are actually the first post, it’s even already written. Stop reading my mind. :-)

    I’ll follow up on ice cream for you.

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