Gingerbread Pop-Tarts

[tag]Gingerbread Pop-Tarts[/tag] are real. I kept hearing people talk about them, but I thought they were kidding. They weren’t kidding.

I’m ridiculously excited, especially for someone who rarely eats processed foods. The saddest part is, I decided I wanted to try the Pop-Tarts while I was baking real gingerbread. It’s not the same thing at all. There’s something so uniquely delightful about the strange chemical flavor of [tag]Pop-Tarts[/tag]. And we have a toaster again, so I can heat them up and cause that strange exothermic reaction that gives them that unusual texture and unnatural crispiness. Bonus.

Please oh please let Target have some when I go to the pharmacy in the morning. I could wait until Monday to pick up my prescription but now I really want those Pop-Tarts. Not enough to go out earlier, when I learned of their actual existence, but enough to go to Target on a Sunday. That’s saying something.

One thought on “Gingerbread Pop-Tarts

  1. rebecca

    Update: Target, Shopper’s, Giant and CVS – all sold out of gingerbread pop-tarts. I no longer think they exist but suspect I am the victim of an elaborate snack-food hoax.

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