The Snow Melter

My Spiritual Advisor and I want to build a Snow Melter, because we think snow blowers are goofy. We figure all we need is a [tag]flame thrower[/tag] and a lawnmower frame. I’ve been trying to figure out if it’s legal to own a flame thrower in Maryland or Virginia. I haven’t been trying very hard, because I’m lazy. (see also: why the Snow Melter will never get built).

My guess is that in Virginia it’s a Class I Misdemeanor to carry a concealed flame thrower. But as long as it’s clearly visibly I believe you’re in the clear.

At lunch with Roger and Husband I reported back on what I’d learned about the legalities of flame thrower ownership. (Nothing). The rest of the discussion went something like this:

Husband: It’s illegal.
Me: It’s Virginia, how can it be illegal?
Husband: It will be after you build it.

He has a point. Husband is much too practical sometimes.

5 thoughts on “The Snow Melter

  1. Samer

    Hey! That’s my idea! Build a lawn mower type thing, but replace the underside with bunsen burners on crack. It might become illegal if you aren’t careful, though. My cunning plan is to have Colt or RJR build it. They’d never ban anything by those guys.

  2. rebecca

    I was thinking that could be party smalltalk should I see the delightful PB during the holiday season.

    Samer, you’re brilliant.

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