pork, it's not just for hanukkah anymore!

I got an evite for a Hannukah party. The evite had an ad embedded in it:

Stay classy, evite.

4 thoughts on “pork, it's not just for hanukkah anymore!

    1. rebecca

      I really wanted to do a screencapture of the whole invitation (with details blurred). The ad loads on my iphone but not on my laptop and tonight I don’t seem to be smart enough to figure out how to capture a screen on my phone tonight.

  1. JayMonster

    I know it is hard to believe in this day and age, but not every company snoops your personal information in order to target advertising. Many companies still just have an automatic script or a inventory pool of ads to run through that goes in some random order. I highly doubt they intended to put it there to slight anyone.

    Poorly placed, sure. Humorous, sure. But hardly a big deal.

    1. rebecca

      I’m not Jewish and it certainly wasn’t a big deal to me. I found it humorous, the host of the party found it much less humorous. I also find the “lose belly fat” ads that show up in baby shower evites funny, so I may not be the best judge of what is or isn’t funny.

      I don’t think it requires “snooping” since the invitations are public – how hard is it to set an ad server to not serve up the pork ads to invites in the hanukkah category? I can’t imagine it would involve much hard work, and it seems like it wouldn’t be an unreasonable thing to do.

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