6 thoughts on “I am disgruntled

  1. rebecca

    I burned up most of my energy during the psychotically angry stage of our program but suspect I’ll work up a good lather again any day now.

  2. JunglePete

    yeah – disgruntled is one peg above peeved. I’d go ape$#!+

    I wish your brother and everyone else over there well. except those who would knowingly do harm to others. well unless their instructed to and don’t want to. It’s so complicated.

  3. Faith

    Frankly, I feel better knowing it’s your brother out there and not someone the likes of Psycho Boy.

    Sorry for the joking. It’s my coping mechanism. I know he’ll be fine.

  4. rebecca

    The first time he went, I agreed with you faithie. Now after listening to contractors brag about how rich the war is making them I’m inclined to say let’s being the soldiers home and send the profiteers to do their own dirty work. Not that I didn’t want to bring everyone home already, but now I want to send folks like psycho boy to experience actual war and shut the hell up about how great combat is. *sigh*

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