Trixie Belden

A high school friend and I were reminiscing about the [tag]Trixie Belden[/tag] series last night and thinking about how much fun it would be to update the series. How would the books (and the mysteries) change once you added cellphones and computers and nifty GPS devices to the mix? Then I started thinking about how Honey’s dad would totally buy them all Blackberries. Then I started wondering if they would they switch to iphones. Then I started thinking about the limitless product placement opportunities. Then I got depressed.

After I snapped out of it, I went poking around to satisfy my morbid curiousity about whether anyone had optioned the series for a movie. No sign of that, but I found a number of outdated and clunky fansites – complete with fanfic that I decided to give a wide berth.

I found out via this Trixie Belden fansite that there’s a Trixie Belden Convention that I am sadly (seriously, I’m sort of sad about this) going to miss. It’s probably more interesting in theory, but still.

It doesn’t appear that Random House has made much progress in their book re-issue project. I had all of the books but I’m sure my mom unloaded them all at a yardsale or something. (A familiar tale of woe, to be sure).

6 thoughts on “Trixie Belden

  1. Faith

    Um, my cousin will probably be there. Somewhere on the internet she’s writing Trixie Belden fan fiction and, well, I try not to ask too much about this. That and the Harry Potter slash stuff. I’m glad she’s not been in touch for a while.

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