Lancelot Link: Secret Chimp

The [tag]Daily Monkey[/tag] ceased being daily sometime ago and [tag]MonkeyFilter[/tag] isn’t really about [tag]monkeys[/tag]. Tragic, really. Where’s a girl supposed to get all of her monkey news?

Not here.

I’m not going to start blogging exclusively about monkeys. Where would I file [tag]Jesus[/tag], or, for that matter, squirrels?

(Note to self: where did the rest of the Jesus File archives go? Must find and restore those someday)

But I digress…

This post never was going to be about monkeys anyway, so maybe it’s less of a digression and more of meander. So, yes, this post isn’t about monkeys, it’s about apes. Chimps to be more precise.

It’s the rare bit of pop culture that actual threatens to break me. The Bloodrayne Incident being a notable exception. I’ve found another item to add to the list: [tag]Lancelot Link: Secret Chimp[/tag]. In the past I’d watched a few minutes at a time, and remembered it as funny. I think our old housemate even had the Evolution Revolution album.

A random episode here and there? That’s funny stuff. Trying to watch more than one episode on DVD? In a row? Not such a great plan so don’t say I didn’t warn you. (Yes, it’s available at Netflix. You didn’t think I bought it, did you?)

There’s a lot of info at, and it’s actually pretty interesting. And as a bonus there are clips you can watch, so I won’t keep you here any longer.

10 thoughts on “Lancelot Link: Secret Chimp

  1. scully

    Sarah got tired of me raving on and on about Lancelot Link so she got the DVD for me this past Xmas. It is even funnier than I remember from my childhood, when my friend Mike and I would watch it after school on Channel 20 at his house.

    And the Evolution Revolution rocks!

  2. rebecca

    Be careful, if you try to watch too many episodes in a row and spontaneously combust, I’m not responsible! I realized I could rationalize buying the set if I got it for my brother, who’ll need me to store it while he’s back in Iraq, then we can stretch them out over a long period of time and not harm my brain. :-)

  3. sean

    so long as you can watch them one at a time………..

    i love the link, but yeah, watch two and you’re fried for the next coupla hours.

  4. rebecca

    We didn’t get a warning label – the perils of Netflix.

    Still have the 2nd disc of the set sitting by the TV, Sean…

  5. sean

    perhaps a marathon drinking/ chimp contest? whoever leaves the room first loses.

    it’ll be…uh….awesome?

  6. rania

    You know, I was going to recommend the sparks for this champion chimp drinking marathon. But maybe caffeine, alcohol, taurine, and chimp aren’t such a great combination.

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