"Captured, Diapered Monkey May Have a History of Biting"

Wednesday afternoon, a Madison resident, city animal control officials and Madison police captured a [tag]capuchin monkey[/tag] on the loose in downtown Madison since early Wednesday morning.

Police say the monkey bit a 20 year old bystander outside State Street Brats overnight.

The monkey in question is alleged to be a helper monkey, a monkey specially trained to service as a companion and service animal to a person with a disability. What strikes me as so utterly bizzare about this particular article is the distinction it makes between helper animals and exotic pets – which is a fair distinction to make – but one that maybe they should have crafted a bit better.

The monkey’s owner told 27 News Suri serves as a service animal for her. Monkeys have been known to be used as service animals to provide companionship, and in some cases, perform tasks for people with severe disabilities. But Madison prohibits some exotic animals as pets, such as monkeys and alligators.

Unless maybe they believe their target audience to be very, very dumb. What do alligators have to do with this story? Why mention them at all? Why not just say monkeys are illegal as exotic pets but helper animals may be eligible for an exemption?

“This story isn’t sexy enough…mention something wacky and scary. Alligators. That’ll scare the tar out of ’em.”

Link courtesy of JunglePete – good thing I created that new monkeys category.

6 thoughts on “"Captured, Diapered Monkey May Have a History of Biting"

  1. Evil Agent

    “But Madison prohibits some exotic animals as pets, such as monkeys and alligators.” Maybe I have a helper alligator…it doesn’t say what it has to help do, right?!?! Suppose it helps me rid the planet of morons, or just those incapable of outrunning it…Of course, not living in Madison, I’ve not felt the compulsion to fill out any forms. And really, when it gets too old and slow, I’ll have a fine pair of shoes and matching belt!

  2. rebecca

    I feel you’ve made real progress from the days when you used to eat your aged pets. Well done.

    “it helps me rid the planet of morons” – I think I hurt myself laughing.

  3. JunglePete

    I do believe the helper monkeys fall into a different catagory from “exotic pets” as would seeing eye dogs. It should also be noted that Madison would consider a Spiny Echidna as an exotic pet. Not sure why the article did not mention that.

  4. rebecca

    I think the article would have been clearer if they’d made the helper versus exotic pet distinction but function, rather than mentioning specific types of animals. I’ve been ditsracted from the bad journalism though by fantasies of the usefulness of “helper gators” unfortunately, and have no other useful comments.

  5. Jenn F.

    hehehehe… yes, we need help ridding ourselves of the morons. Can I also raise the issue that an animal with a “history of biting” seems an odd choice to be a helper animal? Though it does leave the field wiiiiiide open for helper alligators.

  6. rebecca

    A diapered individual with a “history of biting” sounds an awful lot like a number of artists we know….

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