WAFFLEHOUSE BOUND (like outward bound but with cholesteral)

In two days I get to go to the Waffle House. I’m so happy. For those of you who do not have the good taste to decorate your homes with framed Waffle House menus, be assured you can now download them at the corporate site (wafflehouse.com).

uh-oh, I’m already on vacation
Actually, I’m at lunch, but I think my brain just left for sleazefest

Here are the bands I’m most looking forward to seeing (in no particular order):
The Bellrays I saw them described last year as “if MC5 was fronted by Aretha Franklin.” I thought, “yeah, right.” Then I saw/heard them. Holy shit. I’m very excited about seeing them again.

Another band I’m excited about seeing again is Big Lazy (formerly Lazy Boy). They’re terrific. If you’ve seen startup.com you’ve already sampled their work and you probably don’t even know it…but you should. What can I say, I’m a sucker for bands with double basses, especially when the bass player can really play. Even a power outage didn’t stop them last year.

I’m also partial to theremins, so Billy Joe Winghead fits the bill nicely. I’ve learned many valuable things about the relationship between lunchmeat, powertools, and firecrackers from these boys over the years as well. Oh yeah, and they can play real good, too!

I’m also excited about seeing Mary Prankster. I’m a little nervous too, since something goes wrong every time I try to see her. This used to happen with Sun Ra, too, and then he died or went back to Saturn or whatever. I got to see him a bunch of times before the Mothership called him home, but still…it makes me nervous.

Oh, let’s face it, I’m excited about sleazefest in general and plan to check out as many of the bands as possible.