Theology 101

From what I could derive from my mail this morning, it’s okay to crucify Barbie, but not for Ponch and John to have a homosexual affair.

Here’s the thing folks: I never said Ponch and John were a couple. You saw that all on your own, so what does that say about you?

Yet I’m the one with the dirty mind and the one-way ticket to hell?


Nevertheless, you’ve given me an idea for my next insomnia fueled short film. Ponch discovers that his Life Partner John has an evil twin. (There’s something to be said for buying in bulk at Toys R Us). Or maybe Ponch and John go to the Planet of the Apes, where Cornelius is conducting a secret cloning experiment, except all the new John’s fall in love with the old one and eventually John2 and John3 have a fight to the death and while they’re distracted Ponch and John escape and…