Crane sex

Last night I saw the most bizarre and spectacular wildlife display ever.

I saw the mating of dance of a pair of sandhill cranes in mom’s backyard. They actually bow to each other before they start. They pogo straight up and down a good 4 feet into the air like they have spring-loaded feet. They make this noise and they swoop and they sway and they bow and then they do it again.

These things are huge (bigger than a great blue heron and much more beautiful and graceful) and they’re all over the place here. There are a few families, I see them early in the morning back by the cow pasture. Sandhill cranes are monogomous and mate for life, but there’s a lone widower male wandering about. We call him Bob Crane.

Now I understand why everyone thought it was so comical yet sad when Bob fell in love with my brother’s truck. He’d apparently dance for it in the driveway for hours.