
As you know, I developed Huckaphobia almost 2 years ago. You might think it would have abated by now, but you’d be thinking wrong.

Monday night I happened to send Samer the link to Huckalerts, a prank which still makes me laugh until I cry. This is good because I was then able to use it to inoculate myself while watching Huckabee’s appearance on the Daily Show last night.

It was a long interview, a two-parter. The topic I wish to fuss about is in the second half of the interview:

Sure, Jon Stewart gave him what-for, but it’s still chilling to watch because Huckabee is a personable, relatable guy who has the attention of a lot of moderates who don’t feel personally connected to this issue. (I hate using the word “issue”, I feel like “human right” or even just “right” is a better term, but I’ll use issue because that’s the context for the discussion).

It boils down to this: You people are not spending enough time worrying about Mike Huckabee and it’s going to come back to bite us all.

p.s. I hope I haven’t been causing your feed readers to freak out, I’ve been cleaning up some of the old mangled code from the import to this site and sometimes when I update old posts it notifies people and then they get annoyed. Sorry.

One thought on “Huckaphobia

  1. JunglePete

    Fantastic. Jon gave him the business. But in the end the question remains unanswered – “Why” Mike? Opposing gay marriage does make you homophobic. There is no reasonable argument for “Why”. The slippery slope towards bigamy is a ridiculous notion. Point to Jon. Now someone explain to me why gay marriage was dealt a resounding “no” back in November.

    No more Bush! Yes we can! Obama! Give peace a chance! Stop the gay abomination!


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