high school flashback

Back in high school, my friend’s older brother was just getting his start as a TV news reporter. This meant he got the shit assignments on the local network.

“Reporting live from inside a cage at the dogpound, I’m…Jonathan Serrie.”

“Reporting live while strapped to the front of a Buick to see what it’s like to be a lovebug, I’m…Jonathan Serrie.”

My favorite moments were when he was dispatched to show us just how windy it was on the beach during a hurricane. I mean, I felt sorry for him, but it was always fun to see how well he could keep his cool while being hit by punishing winds, knowing his producer was safe and dry back at the station.

Well, he’s come a long way since then, reporting on wars, famines, and other Important stuff. But 15 years just melted right away for me when I clicked on the fox news network and there he was, Jonathan Serrie, reporting live from the hurricane.

It was just like old times, watching the poor guy get blown on his ass by windgusts as he tried to yell to the camera, which was being whipped every which way by the wind and not capturing much of what he was trying to say anyway.

Good times, indeed.

I’ve been inhabiting my own narrow little universe for so long that I’d forgotten just how great I shoot with my mind and xkot’s blog are.