I'm not a political strategist and I don't play one on TV…

we were flipping channels, and caught a brief exchange between Howard Dean and George Stephanopoulos. Dean was getting really annoyed because George was badgering him about NAFTA (and rightfully so).

Nevertheless, I think Dean blew it. He could have won the election right then and there if he’d just pulled a gun on George.

Sure, it would upset people who favor gun-control, but let’s face it, we’re trapped. We have to vote for whoever is more to the left than W. And the NRA crowd? How could they not vote for the guy after a performance like that? It wouldn’t even have to have been loaded or anything, because shooting a commentator would be Very Wrong and we wouldn’t want that to happen. That would be bad. Dean is gonna lose, and he can trace it all back to this media blunder.