
I was walking down the sidewalk last night (from stage left to right in this picture) and there was a large carton blocking the view of this part of the sidewalk until I was past it.

Not a nice thing to leave in the path of a floridian!

Consequently, I didn’t see the “alligator” until I was stepping over the tail and my brain processed what it was. Or wasn’t, as the case may be. It wasn’t a terribly large critter, but it was enough to startle me.

11 thoughts on “alligator!

  1. rebecca

    It was in, Alexandria. That’s why I did such a delayed doubletake. It was very funny. I got these unibomber-esque flickr-mail about how I should be ashamed to be crowding the gators natural habitat and he was the one who belonged there and not me. Huh? Alligators don’t really belong in northern virginia, nor would they be especially happy here on a 40 degree day. *sigh*

  2. rebecca

    I should add that JunglePete wasn’t the person I was referring to. JunglePete is in alligators natural habitat and I already know that.

  3. Walt

    You aren’t going to last very long in Florida if you don’t learn how to watch where you walk. Junglepete shwed reserve in not smacking you around more for this dumb post. Bo-Ring. I won’t be back.

  4. Evil Agent

    Gee, I’ll miss Walt’s scintillating comments and incisive wit. Really, what I want to know is why you didn’t scoop it up for me…It might be just ripe for training as a helper gator.

  5. rebecca

    I couldn’t figure out what you was talking about, I didn’t catch Walt’s comment and thought you’d developed an imaginary friend! Maybe Pete can help you with the helper gator situation.

    Once again: not walking in florida, walking in virginia. Not real gator. Don’t let the door hit you in the ass on the was out.

  6. Evil Agent

    Ahh, well you can forgive my assumption that it was real…given that a woman was strangled by her pet python within 50 miles of you. Note to self: thinking of medicating a beast, have help on hand.

    As for imaginary friends, well, my personal preference leans toward pookas and they are known for their ability to hold up their end of a conversation and attention to detail.

  7. rebecca

    It was a light situation, it was a kid’s rubber alligator :-)

    Today I saw a red-tailed hawk in almost the same location. It was real.

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