Category Archives: true life 2013

Tag, you’re it! (Also: shut the fuck up about the royal baby)

I wanted to do a flashy redesign but then I went down a rabbithole while cleaning up the tagging system that had gotten a bit out of control.

While cleaning up the tags I’ve fixed loads of broken code, broken links, missing images, and all those other things no one likes to keep an eye on.

Tags should provide a nifty way to quickly visualize topics I blog about on a regular basis.

Tags actually provide evidence that I just like to tag things.

-Telepathic crickets.


-Things that will strangle you in your sleep.

-Dinosaur Super-soldiers.

-Who gives a fuck about the royal baby? It’s a baby. They all look like sticky bags of flesh.

-Giant snakes.

-No one pays attention to the tags.

-Shut the fuck up about the royal baby. You don’t know the baby. Babies are weird to everyone except the person whose lady parts they squirmed out of.

I’ve finally edited things down from 3,000+ unique tags to fewer than 400. This took forever, but I had a little time to kill recently. (You don’t think I’m actually paying attention when I watch all those SyFy craptacular movies, do you?)

Sweet 16: presents & possum pedicures

(Happy-Birthday-Chimp-Note-Card-C117, originally uploaded by Z F Soo & made available under a creative commons license)

The oldest restored post from my archives is dated July 22, 1997 so I’m declaring this my blog’s birthday.

I hate the word blogiversary.

After littering my drafts file with post ideas for today, I scrapped them all and decided this: you’re going to get a present.

Not all of you, one of you.

A few of you.

Not sure how many yet.

Leave me a comment with an actual email address I can reach you at (no one else will be able to see it) and FRIDAY I will devise some arbitrary scheme for selecting winners.

update: you have until 5 p.m. EST to leave a comment on this post that will make you eligible for strange and exotic prizes.

The prizes will be groovy, but I’m not going to post pictures here because the contents of each prize might change slightly depending on where I need to ship them.

Then, you can spend the rest of your day celebrating any old way you wish.

Not sure how to celebrate? Start with a how-to video on proper Opossum pedicure techniques from our old friend M.E. Pearl:

I’m not sure if opossums should be pets. Or if you should give them pedicures. I am sure it’s an excellent video to start your day with. Don’t end your day with this video – that way lies nightmares.

If you want to get really crazy, you can encourage all your friends to like my facebook fan page, because facebook popularity plays some arbitrary role in whether a publisher wishes to publish me in dead-tree form.

And what could be more appropriate on a 16th birthday than some angst about popularity?


AB FAB 012, originally uploaded by kevin wofford and made available under a Creative Commons license. This image is the 1st one I found when I went looking for ab fab images. Perfect.

I’m not a morning person.

That is an understatement like few others.

If we have cocktails in the evening I have to make sure the glasses are emptied of any melting ice and put in the sink. This is so I don’t grab one the next morning before coffee, blearily note that it is a glass and contains liquid, and proceed to wash down my vitamins with diluted vodka at 8 a.m.

That is a maneuver Husband has come to call AbFabbing.

I was concerned about this.

Then I thought to myself, “Fuck it. I’m a writer.”

The Cat Exorcist


When I was a small child, my parents adopted a kitten. A Siamese kitten who I loved dearly. Siamese kittens grow up to be Siamese cats, creatures who possess a very special kind of crazy.

This cat was very tolerant of family members, but had a tendency to bite other people – viciously, and with the intent to maim. But not until she’d thoroughly washed the location she was about to bite. You can tell people this, but they don’t listen.

“That cat is going to bite you.”

“Oh no, cats love me. Look, she’s licking me!”

“She’s preparing the surgical site.”

“Ha-ha. She’s adorable.”

“You’re going to be sorry.”


2 years later, we adopted a second kitten. The picture at the top of the post shows Kitten (left) and Cat (right). It looks like Cat is about to eat Kitten. They were probably actually sitting around trying to look harmless, biding their time until they could partake in their favorite Christmas-time activity: rocketing around the house and launching themselves up the middle of the tree to bring the whole thing crashing to the ground.

My brother and I thought this was hilarious.

My mom did not.

My mom did find it hilarious when our Pentecostal neighbor, tired of being bitten by Cat, decided that the only course of action was to pray the devil out of her. My father pointed out that she could avoid being bitten if she’d just leave Cat alone, but the Exorcist was determined to rid this cat of demons.

Kitten, she reasoned, was a good Christian, so surely it was possible to save Cat’s soul, as well.

She prayed and prayed for the demonic forces to release their grasp on this poor beast.


Then she prayed some more.

Then she pointed her finger in Cat’s face. “In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, I command you not to bite me!”

I’m sure you know what happened next.

Then my mother laughed until tears ran down her face.

For years I could reduce my mom to hysterical hiccupy laughter by mentioned what a good Christian Kitten was. Her name, incidentally, was Angel.

That kitten was many things, but angelic wasn’t really one of them.

In retrospect, it’s astonishing we didn’t all find ourselves on the receiving end of an attempted exorcism, because this lady was not to be trifled with. (Neither, apparently, were my Cat’s demons).

She was a nice lady, otherwise. If memory serves she may have supplied the candles for the massive elvis shrine on our street that year, but I don’t remember her visiting our house very much after the attempted exorcism.

Ah, Florida.

Bonus content, now that I know what process-obsessed weirdos some of you are, here’s the storyboard for this post:
