Tag Archives: vice-presidential debate

SNL on the VP Debate

I forgot yesterday was Saturday and missed Saturday Night Live, so I just watched their take on the debate. I know making fun of either Biden or Palin is like shooting wolves from a helicopter, but Tina Fey (Sarah Palin), Jason Sudeikis (Joe Biden), and Queen Latifah (Gwen Ifill) are brilliant. Sudeikis as Biden might actually be my favorite element.

I don’t know why the video isn’t embedding, here’s the link to the clip in case I can’t fix it: The Biden-Palin Debate

obligatory post-vp debate post

Since I wasn’t sleeping last night, I rewatched the debate. I wanted to see if, minus the twitter feeds and initial expectations, Palin was even half as intelligible as she seemed at first blush. The second viewing wasn’t kind to her, her lack of depth, knowledge, and experience was front and center. Her debating skills? I can’t even comment, since she never actually engaged in the debate by answering questions or staying on-topic. It wasn’t a debate, it was the interview portion of a beauty pageant. Actually, I don’t really have anything to say that can’t be summed up by the Sarah Palin Debate Flowchart that was on Daily Kos.

link courtesy of TrueEpicure

rate the debates

Free Press has launched Rate the Debates, which they’re describing as “a citizen-driven guide to better media coverage of the issues that matter most.” It’s an interesting experiment.

I’ve signed up, although this will interfere with my plan to turn the Vice-Presidential debate into a drinking game wherein one takes a drink every time Palin or Biden start an answer with the word “look.” It’s for the best, did you watch Biden’s last visit to Meet the Press? He said “look” so many times I couldn’t stop laughing. Not good, Joe, not good at all. (page 4 alone of the transcript has 11 looks!)