Tag Archives: sci-fi

AI: A performance art piece in 3 acts

I’m still disgruntled that Spielberg, the Cinematic Cheesemeister Extraordinaire, could make such a dull and lifeless movie. Anything would have to be better. This is my performance art interpretation.

Act One:
Woman enters, stage right. She wears a trenchcoat.

A key light creates a delicate halo around her hair.

The woman pulls a live trout from her coat pocket and tosses it on the stage.

Trout flops and gasps. 40 minutes.

Act Two:
3 people dressed as Waffle House Managers beat the shit out of toaster ovens and other small appliances with
aluminum baseball bats. 1 hour, 10 minutes

Act Three:
Someone does mouth to mouth on the trout, eventually putting it on ice.

Midgets perform an interpretive dance to the theme of
Close Encounters. 42 minutes.

The end.

In the future we will all

Watched the incredibly flat and lifeless AI. I am
filled to the gills with bile.

I paid 2 dollars to be manipulated and instead I was just irritated and bored. I resent that. Mind you, if there’d been any heart whatsoever to the movie I’d be bitching that I’d spent 2 dollars to be manipulated.

And the damned kid never did see any dead people.