Tag Archives: samer farha

Google Wave as explained by Samuel L Jackson

Wired comes to the rescue and explains Google Wave. Hilarious. Thank you, Samer, for tweeting this just when I needed a laugh.

Sometimes you need someone else to say something provocative you don’t dare so that you can just nod and shrug and let someone else take the heat. With that in mind — and only coincidentally marking my receipt of a Google Wave invitation today — I happily steal re-print this explanation of the invite-only collaborative environment from our cousins at wired.co.uk:

Google Wave is confusing, especially for those of us who are yet to receive invitations. Even here at Wired UK, we only get to meet Eric Schmidt every now and again, and some of us are yet to receive the email we so yearn for.

Yes, we know Wave is a unique combination of chat, wiki, email and hyperbole. But what would we actually use it for? Our friends at Wired US have suggested it as a tool for parenting: to facilitate show and tell or brainstorm bedtime stories. Lifehacker suggests it for all sorts of pie-in-the-sky applications, such as controlling air traffic or spreading the H1N1 vaccine. TechCrunch calls it a form of “passive aggressive communication”, but they mean that in a nice way.

It’s all a bit airy-fairy – what’s needed here is someone with the balls to get to the bottom of Google Wave and explain its features and uses in no uncertain terms.

And who better than Samuel L Jackson, with a little help from John Travolta, Kim Jong-il and Macaulay Culkin. Be warned: in case it’s been a while since you saw Tarantino’s classic, you’re in for one colourfully-worded wave.

(There are some relevant links in the original post but the flu is still kicking my ass and I don’t have the energy to relink. sorry.)

Crazy weekend

Between Artomatic registration opening and well, life in general, the weekend went by in a whoosh. Husband and I took Saturday afternoon off to have a leisurely meal at Cafe Saint-Ex, wander the U Street area, snicker at outrageously priced furniture, bar hop a bit, visit the record store, not get cupcakes because it was too crowded at Love Cafe, and discuss the origins of head cheese and Scrapple, but overall the rest of the weekend was pretty hectic.

Plus, our Interwebs have been busted at home and it’s making life unnecessarily complicated, what with him being a Podcasting Rockstar and me being a Blog Goddess.

Luckily, we watched all of the Brawndo Powerthirst “ads” so many times last week that we can just randomly yell key words or phrases at one another and set each other off in fits of hysterical laughter, punctuated with episodes of chortling (him) and the occasional giggle-snort (me).

Fortunately, last night we had a few minutes of functional Internet access. Unfortunately, we’d been drinking margaritas at the Taqueria with Samer so we wasted our precious window of connectivity playing all of the Brawndo videos for Samer. Fortunately, he found them as funny as we do.

It’s boring here at the Library. Maybe I should migrate over to Buzz. They have free wifi and cupcakes. And I am reading about bees today…

Celebrate accordingly

So many birthdays in August. At least one on our calendar every single day. Today, unfortunately, I wrote “birthday.” Just “birthday.” No name. That’s not helpful at all. As far as the rest of the weekend goes:

Samer’s birthday was Thursday.

Kerri’s was Friday.

Jessica’s is tomorrow.

p.s. I love this picture Erin took of Kerri, so I’m going to link it just because I can: Kerri at artomatic

Oh, Samer, you let me down

Samer is off on a 61 day round-the-world journey. If anyone asks, you can tell them he’s off to the Olympics to compete in the javelin. It’s not true, but you can tell them that.

Right before he left, he posted his strategy for dealing with jetlag. I was hoping for an entertaining bit of Hunter S. Thompson-esque advice. Instead I got a strategy that boils down to “stay up all night.” That’s not a strategy, Samer, that’s how we spent 1988 – 1991.

Nevertheless, I’m looking forward to vicariously following his adventures on his blog and via flickr. Bon voyage!