Tag Archives: epic disaster or disaster epic?

Pompeii & Project Runway. Disaster Epic or Epic Disaster? Yes!

Last night on Project Runway: Under the Gunn, the challenge was to design a collection inspired by the slave/buddy cop adventure-love story disaster epic, Pompeii.


One team chose to design a resort collection, because nothing says “high end resort lifestyle” like a slave fighting a volcano to save the woman he loves.

I guess.

I spent most of the episode laying on the living room floor yelling, “What’s happening????” like the teenager in the 3rd Act of Poltergeist.

Dominque Dunne, Poltergeist(1982)

Dominique Dunne, Poltergeist(1982).

This review does make the movie sound great, in a not-great way: NPR: “Pompeii: In Ancient Rome, A Hot 3-D Mess.”

The whole episode of Project Runway: Under the Gunn is currently available for streaming at lifetime.com – Episode 6: Pompeii Team Challenge.

It was not great, in a not-great way.