Tag Archives: coffee

I'm willing to believe anything I read

Mice given the equivalent of six to eight cups of coffee a day were less likely to develop a disease similar to multiple sclerosis, a study found.

Researchers hope this could lead to new ways to prevent MS in humans.
The Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences journal reported that the caffeine appeared to prevent nervous system damage.

See, I told you coffee was an essential food group.

It's too early for this. (for what? for anything!)

I’ve got the Sealab 2021 themesong sloshing around in my head. I haven’t been watching Sealab, I’ve been watching Buffy. I know that Buffy predates 2021, but the Buffy themesong makes me think of a late 80s hairmetal band cover of the 2021 theme. I know that the True Buffy Believers will bust me for claiming that a song that came first is a cover of a song that came later, so I want to know this: is the 2021 theme an update of the Sealab 2020 themesong from the 70s? Or should I just remember to skip over the title sequence and stop thinking about this? I could look this up, but I’m tired and lazy.

I was up until almost 4 a.m. and looking forward to sleeping in. Best laid plans and all. It would appear that my next door neighbors hired the world’s noisiest interior painters and they got started very, very early today. Very early.

Sometime before 8 I gave up on the idea of ever sleeping again. Looking on the bright side: by 10:30 I’d paid my bills, decided not to read the paper, consumed coffee, run errands, consumed coffee, ritualisticly buried an opossum, consumed coffee, taken a 3 mile walk with my neighbor, consumed coffee, practiced the drums, consumed coffee, planned Bunny’s basil garden and purchased the seedlings, consumed coffee, and churned out the first draft of a book review.

Now I’m drinking coffee, because I’m still not fully awake.