Smooth Criminal

I’m disturbed by this video.

I find walruses vaguely spooky, and this video suggests to me that walruses are far smarter than I ever imagined. Sure he’s getting directions from his (or her) dance partner, but the fact remains that this walrus is at minimum able to perform a varied series of discrete, specific actions in response to cues from a non-walrus. It’s nothing personal, I don’t even know why I take issue with walruses, I just do.

For the record, I have nothing against the magazine titled The Walrus. This month’s issue has a fascinating article which I’ve been meaning to post about. Brian Payton explains how trans-fats are a threat to elephants in Borneo.

8 thoughts on “Smooth Criminal

  1. Faith

    That’s so cool. Has the authenticity of this been confirmed? Is that a walrus or a sea lion? I’ve seen the sea lions in the zoo do very impressive stuff — not dancing to Jacko — but they seem trainable enough. Not like Boris who won’t even moonwalk for me.

  2. Beezel Angentus

    WP has an article about heart disease and apes…Walruses are dangerous and fast-moving. Also, they are known to be ill-tempered.

  3. JP

    It’s a Sea Lion I believe but I would much rather have my kid spend the night with the “creepy” Sea Lion than Michael Jackson.

  4. batgrl

    I have walrus issues too!
    But I know why – it’s the mustache. Not that I have anything against mustaches, no, not at all. It’s just the mustaches on walruses that freak me out. Maybe it’s the mustache tusk combo.

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