
Are you excited about Cloverfield? The official Cloverfield site is, but that doesn’t tell you anything. There are so many clues and juicy rumors about the movie sprinkled all over the place that trying to keep track of them is starting to feel like having a part-time job stalking [tag]J.J. Abrams[/tag].

Luckily, you can follow all of the [tag]Cloverfield[/tag] hype from this handy [tag]Mahalo[/tag] Cloverfield page.

Personally, I enjoy going to the [tag]Bad Robot[/tag] website and yelling “Bad robot!” I can’t explain why I find it so endlessly entertaining, I just do. (If you’ve ever watched an episode of Alias or Lost all the way to the end you know what I’m talking about).

I admit I was late to the J.J. Abrams party. I didn’t get hooked until [tag]Alias[/tag]. If J.J. Abrams painted a wall I’d sit and watch it dry, at least once. That’s not why I’m excited about Cloverfield, though. I’m excited about Cloverfield because it looks big and loud and stupid, and that sounds good to me right about now.

5 thoughts on “Cloverfield

  1. FKC

    Big, loud and stupid — I used to like my men that way as well. I’m very stoked for Cloverfield. I’m just wondering what’s up with the wussy sounding name.

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