3 thoughts on “Gingerbread Pop-Tart Quest, Day 4

  1. JunglePete

    When I was 11 I found a rat tail in my pop-tart. We sent it in to Kelloggs and how lucky was I? They sent coupons for 5 boxes of free pop tarts! Wohoo! But those Gingerbread poptarts sound fantastic.

  2. Tracy

    it’s kinda like this weird Quest now – only instead of a religious relic we’re seeking sugary breakfast food. The Church of Corn Pops and In Fruity Pebbles We Trust. Or something.

  3. rebecca

    I remember something about a rat tail, but I thought it was Bobby who found it. Now, why I was thinking about it at all is cause for concern, but let’s just back away from that….

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