use your goddamn turnsignals

Traffic is a mess thanks to detours and checkpoints, but some things are getting back to normal.

SUV drivers seem to have gotten the memo advising them to drive like the black hearted bastards that (many of them) are. Tailgating and other random small-car intimidation tactics are back in fashion (and not a moment too soon!) possibly even reaching a more advanced level of psychosis than before. Hooray!

I wrote a poem about using your turn signals, but now I can’t find it. It’s called “Use your goddamn turnsignals.” Maybe I’ll post it later.

Or maybe I’ll go home and fix a nice big martini. Gin, of course. Do not get me started on the gin versus vodka thing. Oh, I don’t know why I should talk. Let’s face it, I’m only in it for the olives.