Weirdos, Lucy, and To-Go Foods

Monica Hesse’s Washington Post article, “You Can Take It With You: Marketing to Those on the Go” is utterly hilarious. Husband and I especially liked her take on Pocket Shots. Husband thinks someone should come out with “Drinkables” – little martini or vodka tonic kits to go with your Lunchables. I wasn’t excited about being up at 6 to go to a meeting, and this entertaining little article made the morning much more bearable.

On the subject of my itinerary, I keep getting questions about why I haven’t been blogging trips and events ahead of time anymore. I’m always cautious about how much information I divulge, but as a few of my readers have developed, um, boundary issues, it seems prudent not to advertise where I’m going to be ahead of time. Actually, I was advised not to do so by Trained Professionals. In fact, we debated whether even posting this was a good idea as any attention is good attention to these weirdos, it seems. It’s a fine line, and a pain in the rear end since it makes it hard to promote good causes with any kind of personal endorsement, but life goes on and fun is had, I just don’t mention it until later.

On that note, we’re now back from the [tag]Jersey Shore[/tag], which was not nearly as traumatic as I expected. It was even fun. And pretty. And home to [tag]Lucy the Elephant[/tag].

But the Atlantic waters were too damned cold to venture out into for a swim and I kept stepping on [tag]many-ribbed hydromedusae[/tag] that bore a creepy resemblance to breast implants so I’m not going to get toooo carried away with my praise. This time…

2 thoughts on “Weirdos, Lucy, and To-Go Foods

  1. rebecca

    If you’re about to send me an email asking if you’re one of the weirdos, and you already know from experience that we have no personal relationship to speak of and before you even write you’re certain you aren’t going to hear back from me, then yes, you are probably one of the weirdos…

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