Fresca and microwave popcorn

After playing with Batty and Bunny (and Bunny’s groovy cat) I dropped by the in-law’s house. Sister-in-law was also out of town so I was hanging out with brother-in-law and baby.

He: “What are you doing for dinner?”
Me: “I don’t know. Fresca and microwave popcorn probably.”
He: “I had that last night. How about ordering Indian?”

We broke with the tradition of bad eating while our SO’s were out of town and ate real food. We were feeling pride all out of proportion to that little achievement. The baby had zonked out and the toddler was over at Grandma’s so we could have an actual convesation while we ate. Actually, he told me long involved stories (we’re Southerners, in case you forgot) and I could nod, make grunting noises at appropriate intervals and otherwise feed like a rabid wolverine. Then I came home and watched more Buffy.