that's a relief!

I was in such a quandry over who to vote for, until Madonna endorsed Wesley Clark. Now that I don’t have to think about politics anymore, I’ll have more time to make movie recommendations.

Sunday morning I stayed awake long enough to watch a whole movie, and an incredibly worthwhile one at that. Christian Bale and John Hurt are amazing in All the Little Animals. What makes the movie work – aside from the brilliant and understated acting and directing – is that absolutely nothing is played for overt quirkiness, and with material like this that must have been a difficult temptation to overcome.

Christian Bale just happens to be a sweet, slow man escaping his lunatic stepfather and he just happens to join up with John Hurt, a sweet man who’s made giving roadkill proper burials “The Work” of his life.

Just skip the latest Tom Cruise/Brad Pit/Leo crap-o-rama and rent this instead. You’ll (probably) be glad you did. Or you won’t, but that’s your problem, not mine.